Vidheha Ranjan PROJECTS
performances .
resume .
testimonials .
in the news .
for Elephants
Unlimited Children


Vidheha became the youngest person in Nepal, her country of birth, and, perhaps, the world, when she presented full art exhibition at the age of 3 at the Nepal Art Council halls. Besides the Nepal Art Council, her solo exhibitions have taken place at the Patan Museum, Nepal Tourism Board halls, and various schools. She came up with “I Like My Life” at the age of 4 and is the prototype artist for a PIN Nepal and Spiny Babbler project Soaring Dreams of Unlimited Children (SDUC). She was the main artist of “15 Stories” and “With My Whole Heart” published with UKAID support. Her artwork has appeared in the publications of international organizations such as Ecpat Luxembourg, UN Women, the German Embassy and GIZ.



Room 1: I Like My Life, pencil color and pastels on paper

Room 2: Published by international organizations

Room 3: 15 Stories

Room 4: With My Whole Heart

Room 5: I Like My Life, mixed media

PROJECTS: Unlimited Children For Elephants

Performances Resume Testimonials In the News